Jak wam nie wstyd popierać Izrael? – irlandzka parlamentarzystka krytykuje prezydent przewodniczącą Komisji EU Ursulę Gertrud von der Leyen
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Clare Daly wezwała do postawienia przed sądem Benjamina Netanjahu za bombardowania dzieci w Gazie (Gaza to miasto dzieci) i zbrodnie wojenne
“How dare you say Europe stands with Israel”, Clare Daly challenged Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen while speaking in the Parliament Tuesday.
“I have been involved in politics for 40 years but I have never seen anything like what is being unleashed in Gaza. In full public view while the world watches it unfold”, she said in a fiery yet emotional speech.
„Illegal, War Crimes”
Clare Daly also called the brazen bombings of Gaza carried out by Benjamin Netanyahu’s far right Zionist government in Israel “collective punishment”, “illegal” and “war crimes”.
“10 days of relentless air strikes 1 in 1,000 people murdered by the Israeli government in a week, open declarations of siege, 24hours of fuel, electricity and water left, collective punishment on innocent people. All illegal. All war crimes”, she said.
“And when the EU should have been arguing for a ceasefire, for the upholding of international law, for the protection of civilians Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen touches down in Tel Aviv to photo op the preparation of a genocide and says Europe stands with Israel now and in the days to come”, she said.
“How dare she?” Clare Daly asked.
The Irish politician who has been a Member of the European Parliament from Ireland for the Dublin constituency since 2019 also asked Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen to resign as President of European Commission.
How dare @vonderleyen declare "Europe stands with Israel"?
She does not speak for me.
She does not speak for Ireland.
She does not speak for the citizens of Europe.
We stand for peace, international law and justice for the people of #Palestine.
“She (Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen) has no authority on foreign affairs matters. She does not speak for me. She does not speak for Ireland and she does not speak for the citizens of Europe”, she said.
“We stand for peace. We stand for justice for the people of Palestine and for the upholding of international law. It’s long past the time that this woman exited the stage. It’s time for her to go. And for the International Criminal Court to investigate her”, she said.
„Netanyahu must face trial in ICC”
Also on Monday October 16, 2023, Spain’s Minister for Social Rights Ione Belarra accused Israel of committing a “planned genocide” and committing “war crimes” in Gaza and vowing Benjamin Netanyahu must be tried in the International Criminal Court (ICC) in Hague.
Belarra argued that the US and EU have not responded to the Israeli war on Gaza in a neutral manner but are instead backing Israel’s policy of apartheid and occupation.
Belarra also urged Spanish citizens to take to the streets, calling for Madrid to distance itself from the unwavering support that the US has shown for Israel.
Clare Daly, Francesca Albanese and Ione Belarra are not exceptions and lone voices condemning the Israeli atrocities against the Palestinians. They are in fact leading a huge huge number of Europeans, Americans and British besides those in other parts of the world who share similar sentiments and are taking on the streets to express solidarity with the Palestinians and asking the Israelis to stop their aggressions against the Palestinians today and now.
Polskie F-16 wraz z samolotami z trzynastu innych państw biorą udział ćwiczeniach nuklearnych „Steadfast Noon” na południu Europy – poinformowała Sztab Generalny na platformie X.
W danych opublikowanych na stronie rządowej https://www.gov.pl/web/koronawirus/wykaz-zarazen-koronawirusem-sars-cov-2 na dzień 30.09.2023 r., liczba zakażeń od 4 marca 2020 do dziś to: 6,523,278 osób Osób, które wyzdrowiały […]