Strefa Gazy: Izrael zbombardował szpital, nie żyje 500 osób
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Izraelskie rakiety spadły również na szpital al-Ahli. „Co najmniej 500 Palestyńczyków zginęło” – informuje Al Jazeera powołując się na słowa palestyńskiego ministra zdrowia.
Ambasador Palestyny: To niewyobrażalne
BBC cytuje również wypowiedź ambasadora Palestyny w Wielkiej Brytanii. Husam Zomlot stwierdził, że sytuacja w Strefie Gazy „przypomina życie w niewyobrażalnym horrorze”, a mieszkańcy stoją przed „przerażającymi” dylematami. I muszą decydować „czy pozostać w domach, w jaki sposób racjonować wodę i żywność, czy powinni kontynuować niezbędne leczenie”. – To naprawdę niewyobrażalne, co się stało – powiedział Zomlot.
Z najnowszych wyliczeń ONZ wynika, że nawet milion osób uciekło z północnej części Strefy Gazy w ciągu tygodnia.
Czy Izrael jest psychopatą? Odpowiedź jest chyba oczywista:
There is a lot of talk these days about the psychopaths ruling the world. A study among high executives of large companies, published under the title Snakes in Suits, shows that psychopathic traits are widespread among them.[1]This naturally reflects into collective forms of psychopathy: in The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power, Joel Bakan noted that “corporate behavior is very similar to that of a psychopath.”[2]
Some states also behave like psychopaths among nations. The USA is such a state, with a “pathology of power” (the title of Norman Cousins’s 1987 book) probably related to the degree of psychopathy of the men in charge. Behind the mask of sanity and morality displayed by the US on the world’s stage, there is a “deep state” moved by an insatiable thirst for power and uninhibited by any moral conscience or empathy; this pathological deep state is today in almost complete control of US foreign policy.
Israel is another psychopathic state. The relationship between the US and Israel is a peculiar one, and there are differing opinions regarding its nature. Who, of the two, is the driving force? Have US moles infiltrated and hijacked Israel’s foreign policy, or the opposite? I consider that the issue has been settled by Professors Mearsheimer and Walt in their 2008 book The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy (and before that by Pat Buchanan in his 2003 article “Whose War?”[3]): it is Israel who has drawn the United States into wars which were not in their strategic interest, and which, in fact, jeopardize US national security. It was true about Iraq, and it is true about Syria. The Neocons, the overwhelmingly dominant force in the US deep state since 2001, are crypto-Zionists. America is not controlling Israel’s foreign and colonial policy; it has failed to do so whenever it tried, and it has now stopped trying. Instead, as Ariel Sharon famously said one month after 9/11: “We, the Jews, control America, and the Americans know it.”[4] The very fact that this outrageous statement was quickly buried makes its point self-evident: for, as Gilad Atzmon has also famously said, “Jewish power is the ability to get non-Jews to stop talking about Jewish power.”
Israel’s control of the American people’s mind and heart, based on near total control of the mainstream media alongside large-scale psychological operations such as September 11, is truly bewildering (those who doubt that Israel masterminded 9/11 with its network of super-sayanim should read my article “Inside Job or Mossad Job?”)[5]. But it becomes understandable in light of what psychiatrists call the “psychopathic bond.” I do not mean to deny that the US is pathological in its own right, even genetically so. But I will here concentrate on the one nation I believe to be the most dangerous psychopath among nations: Israel. The Israeli journalist Gideon Levy wrote in Haaretz in 2010 that “Only psychiatrists can explain Israel’s behavior” toward Palestinians, suggesting “paranoia, schizophrenia and megalomania.”[6] I suggest psychopathy as a more accurate diagnosis.
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