100 izraelskich doktorów podpisało petycję domagającą się zbombardowania wszystkich szpitali w Gazie przez IDF

Even as Israel has drawn condemnation for the alleged excesses committed against the civilian population of Gaza, around 100 doctors in the country have signed a petition “demanding” the bombing of hospitals based in the besieged region, reports said on November 5.

The purported petition, whose image has been circulated on social media, is written in Hebrew. “No place is safe for anyone who confuses hospitals with terrorism,” a report in the Dawn quoted it as saying.

“The residents of Gaza who agreed to transform the hospital into a terrorist den and benefit from Western morals, are those who caused their own annihilation, the liquidation of terrorism,” the petition added, as per the report.


Lekarz niosący pomoc potrzebującym i troszczący się o życie? Taki obowiązuje stereotyp lekarza. Burzą go izraelscy lekarze, którzy najwyraźniej są psychopatami:

While studying brain scans to search for patterns that correlated with psychopathic behavior, James Fallon found that his own brain fit the profile


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