Argentyński prezydent, Javier Milei, broni ludobójstwa dokonywanego przez Izrael i ubliża prezydentowi Kolumbii od „morderców terrorystów”
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w odpowiedzi na tę zniewagę Kolumbia wydala argentyńskich dyplomatów
In a recent interview with news channel CNN, which has not yet been aired in full, Milei called Petro a „terrorist,” „murderer” and „communist.”
„The Argentine president’s comments have deteriorated the trust of our nation, in addition to offending the dignity of President Petro, who was democratically elected,” the ministry said in a statement.
In January, Colombia recalled its ambassador to Argentina after similar comments from Milei.
Petro, Colombia’s first leftist president, is a former member of the long-demobilized M-19 guerrilla movement.
Libertarian Milei also took swipes at other regional leaders in clips of the interview, including Mexico’s Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.
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