Z raportu ONZ wynika że Izrael pogwałcił prawo międzynarodowe atakując irański konsulat

„Wszystkim krajom zabrania się arbitralnego pozbawiania jednostek prawa do życia w operacjach wojskowych za granicą, włączając w to operacje antyterrorystyczne” – powiedzieli eksperci. „Zabójstwa na obcym terytorium są arbitralne, gdy nie są dozwolone na mocy prawa międzynarodowego” – powiedzieli.”

The report said:

“All countries are prohibited from arbitrarily depriving individuals of their right to life in military operations abroad, including when countering terrorism,” said the experts. “Killings in foreign territory are arbitrary when they are not authorised under international law,” they said.

The experts said Israel does not appear to have been exercising self-defence on 1 April because it presented no evidence that Iran was directly committing an “armed attack” on Israel or sending non-state armed groups to attack it. The experts noted that Israel has not provided any legal justification for the strike or reported it to the Security Council, as required by Article 51 of the United Nations Charter.

“Israel’s attack consequently violated the prohibition on the use of armed force against another state under Article 2(4) of the Charter,” the experts said.

Tehran blamed Israel for the strike on its diplomatic building in Syria’s capital, which killed top military leaders. Israel has neither confirmed or denied it carried out the strike, and rarely comments on such operations.


Terrorstyczne państwo Izrael na pewno bardzo przejęło się wnioskami z tego raportu.

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