Dr. Anthony Fauci przyznaje, że ‘wymyślił’ zasady dotyczące COVID-19

6 stóp dystansu społecznego i maskowanie dzieci to jego dzieło, ale nie wie, skąd wzięło się to ogranicznie (sześciu stóp dystansu społecznego). Przyznał też, że nie miał wiedzy o badaniach zalecających maski dla dzieci.

REVEALED: Dr. Anthony Fauci confesses he ‘made up’ covid rules including 6 feet social distancing and masking kids

  • Fauci said he does not know where the six foot social distancing rule came from
  • He also said that he was unaware of studies recommending masks for kids

Bombshell testimony from Dr. Anthony Fauci reveals he made up the six foot social distancing rule and other measures to ‘protect’ Americans from covid.

Republicans put out the full transcript of their sit down interview with Fauci from January just days before his highly-anticipated public testimony on Monday. 

They plan to grill him about covid restrictions he put in place, that he admitted didn’t do much to ‘slow the spread’ of the virus. 

Kids’ learning loss and social setbacks have been well documented, with one National Institute of Health (NIH) study calling the impact of mask use on students’ literacy and learning ‘very negative.’

And the impacts from social distancing caused ‘depression, generalized anxiety, acute stress, and intrusive thoughts,’ another NIH study found. 

Speaking to counsel on behalf of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic earlier this year, Fauci told Republicans that the six foot social distancing rule ‘sort of just appeared’ and that he did not recall how it came about. 

‘You know, I don’t recall. It sort of just appeared,’ he said according to committee transcripts when pressed on how the rule came about. 

He added he ‘was not aware of studies’ that supported the social distancing, conceding that such studies ‘would be very difficult’ to do. 

In addition to not recalling any evidence supporting social distancing, Fauci also told the committee’s counsel that he didn’t remember reading anything to support that masking kids would prevent COVID.

‘Do you recall reviewing any studies or data supporting masking for children?’ he was asked. 


No to teraz, w przypływie szczerości, ten potwór powinien wygadać się i przyznać, że pandemii też nie było:

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