Meksyk wybrał pierwszą kobietę na prezydenta, która ma urojenia o rasie żydowskiej do której rzekomo należy
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Claudia Sheinbaum została wybrana pierwszą kobietą na prezydenta kraju po krwawej kampanii wyborczej, w której zamordowano 37 kontrkandydatów pani prezydent
Mexico elects 1st female president following deadliest election campaign in country’s modern history. Here’s what to know.
Claudia Sheinbaum was elected the country’s first female president after a bloody election campaign that saw 37 candidates assassinated.
Claudia Sheinbaum was elected as Mexico’s first female president Sunday following the deadliest election campaign in the country’s modern history.
More than three dozen candidates were assassinated, including a local government candidate in central Puebla state who was killed on Friday, increasing the total number of those killed to 37 ahead of Sunday’s vote, according to data from security consultancy Integraliaobtained by Reuters.
Across the country, there were more than 20,000 positions to fill and 70,000 candidates vying for the spots.
“I grew up without religion. That’s how my parents raised me,” Sheinbaum, 61, said in 2018 at gathering hosted by a Jewish organization in Mexico City. “But obviously the culture, that’s in your blood.”
Her maternal grandparents were Jews who immigrated to Mexico from Bulgaria before the Holocaust, while her paternal grandparents had fled from Lithuania in the 1920s. Sheinbaum’s parents were born in Mexico.
While campaigning, Sheinbaum said she considers herself a woman of faith but is not religiously affiliated; perhaps that’s why there has been relatively little discussion about her becoming Mexico’s first Jewish president.
Tessy Schlosser, a historian and director of the Mexican Jewish Documentation and Research Center in Mexico City, said that for Mexicans of Jewish heritage, approval and expectations of Sheinbaum’s government seem to align more with „her personal political preferences than with her Jewish ancestry.”
Even Jewish newspapers in Mexico mostly focused on her historic win as the first woman to lead the country, barely mentioning her Jewish background.
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