Wojna na razie tylko na słowa po wypowiedzi Erdogana mówiącej o tym, że Turcja może zainterweniować przeciw izraelskiemu ludobójstwu w Gazie

Erdogan całkiem słusznie po raz kolejny porównuje Netanyahu do Hitlera:

“Masowy morderca Netanyahu skończy tak samo jak skończył masowy morderca Hitler.”

“Masowych morderców z Izraela starających się zniszczyć Palestyńczyków, czeka taki sam los jaki spotkał nazistowskich masowych morderców.”

“Musimy być bardzo mocni, żeby zapobiec rzeziom Izraela w Palestynie.

i po raz pierwszy grozi czymś więcej niż wojną handlową z Izraelem:

“Weszliśmy do Karabachu, weszliśmy do Libii i to samo możemy zrobić z Izraelem.”

Po tych słowach szef izraelskiego MSZ, Katz, napisał na tłiterze że grożąc atakiem na Izrael, turecki prezydent idzie w ślady byłego irackiego dyktatora Saddama Husseina.

A war of words has broken out between Israel and Turkey after President Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatened his country could intervene militarily in Israel’s war on Gaza.

Turkish and Israeli officials unleashed barbs at one another on Sunday and Monday after Erdogan said in a speech on Sunday that “there is no reason” that Turkey could not act, noting military interventions made in the past in other countries.

While crude rhetoric between the two countries has been regular amid the war in Gaza, the threats and insults come as fears of a wider escalation rise once again.

Shortly after Erdogan’s speech, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said in a post on X that the Turkish president was “following in the footsteps” of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein by threatening to attack Israel.

“Just let him remember what happened there and how it ended,” he wrote in reference to the Iraqi president’s infamous 2003 capture by United States forces while hiding in a hole in the ground near a farmhouse in Tikrit. Hussein was later executed.

In retaliation, Turkey – not for the first time – compared Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Adolf Hitler.

“Just as genocidal Hitler ended, so will genocidal Netanyahu,” said the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“Just as the genocidal Nazis were held accountable, so will those who try to destroy the Palestinians,” the post continued. “Humanity will stand by the Palestinians. You will not be able to destroy the Palestinians.”

‘Humanity’s conscience’

Erdogan, who has consistently issued strong rhetoric during Israel’s 10-month war in Gaza, made the suggestion that Turkey could intervene militarily in a speech to his ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party on Sunday.

“We need to be very strong so that Israel cannot do these ridiculous things to Palestine. Just as we entered Karabakh, just as we entered Libya, we can do something similar to them,” he said.


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