Cyberatak Izraela na Liban i Syrię za pomocą pagerów od Motoroli
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Albo odpalono złośliwy kod na ponad 5 tysięcy pagerów jednocześnie np. przesyłając wiadomość tekstową albo w procesie produkcji Motorola wypuściła specjalną serię dla Libańczyków, ze zmodyfikowanym obwodem aktywowanym w wiadomy dla siebie i MOSSADU sposób.
Bezpośrednio przed wybuchem dało się wyczuć podniesioną temperaturę baterii litowej.
Wg oświadczeń Ministerstwa Zdrowia Libanu 2800 osób zostało rannych, a 8 zginęło.
BREAKING Israeli reportedly targeted several senior Hezbollah officials in Beirut, explosions heard.
Very interesting: Initial reports indicate that Israel was able to hack into communications devices used by Hezbollah members and blew them up.
The radio devices carried by Hezbollah members were detonated in several areas – in the Bekaa, Beirut and southern Lebanon, through the use of wireless technology by Israel.
Not just Lebanon: Several Hezbollah members were injured in Syria and were transferred to the hospital after the explosion of communication devices they were carrying after Israeli hack.
The pagers that exploded in the hands of Lebanese Hezbollah forces are all from Motorola, IRGC sources report.
Motorola has a long-standing presence in Israel.
The company, originally entering the market to supply communications equipment, has since expanded its role significantly, particularly within the defense and security sectors.
As of 2023, Motorola Solutions is recognized as a key supplier of communication and surveillance technology to various Israeli military and security agencies.
Its products are reportedly used in illegal Israeli settlements and along the separation wall in the West Bank. Notably, Motorola provides the Israeli military with a 4G cellular network and has developed encrypted communication systems for military personnel.
BREAKING Hezbollah statement on pager attack by Israel.
At approximately 3:30 pm on Tuesday 09-17-2024, a number of messaging devices known as „pagers” exploded, which are owned by a number of employees in various Hezbollah units and institutions.
These explosions, the causes of which are still unknown, led to the martyrdom of a girl and two brothers, and the injury of a large number of people with various injuries.
Hezbollah’s specialized agencies are currently conducting a wide-ranging security and scientific investigation to determine the reasons that led to these simultaneous explosions, and medical and health services are also treating the wounded and injured in a number of hospitals in various Lebanese regions.
We ask God Almighty to have mercy on our righteous martyrs on the road to Jerusalem, and we pray for the wounded and injured to recover quickly, and we call on our honorable people to be aware of the rumors and false and misleading information that some parties are spreading in a way that serves the psychological war in favor of the Zionist enemy, especially since this is accompanied by the Zionist enemy’s intimidating and threatening speeches and what it calls changing the situation in the north.
We confirm that the resistance at all levels and various units is at the highest level of readiness to defend Lebanon and its steadfast people.
Note that Israel’s internal security service, Shin Bet, announced it thwarted a Hezbollah plot to assassinate a former senior Israeli security official earlier today.
The attack was planned to be executed using a remotely detonated explosive device from Lebanon in the coming days.
Taki atak, który wprowadził chaos w szeregach Hezbollahu i osłabił go, może wskazywać, że szykuje się coś większego ze strony Izraela i z uwagi na niedawne naciski Netanyahu na ministra wojny, całkiem prawdopodobne że dzisiejszy atak jest pierwszą fazą większej operacji wojskowej:
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