Łańcuch dostaw wybuchowych pagerów prowadził przez wiele krajów i jest związany z firmami mającymi niejasne powiązania
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Mossad ma swoich ludzi nie tylko w Motoroli, ale także w Komisji Europejskiej oraz Międzynarodowej Agencji Energii Atomowej. Firmy o niejasnych powiązaniach, które brały udział w tej operacji pochodzą z Tajwanu, Węgier, Bułgarii i Norwegii.
Mysterious Trail of Hezbollah’s Exploding Pagers
The supply chain for the sabotaged Hezbollah pagers spans multiple countries and involves several companies with unclear connections.
The trail leads from Taiwan through Eastern Europe, ultimately reaching Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Company: Gold Apollo Role: Initially identified as the manufacturer of the pagers. Key Points: Label on exploded pager indicated Gold Apollo as manufacturer. Company denied making the pagers. Claimed licensing was sold to BAC Consulting in Hungary.
Company: BAC Consulting Role: Alleged buyer of pager manufacturing license. Key Points: Registered in 2022. Listed activities include selling telecommunications devices. Sales of about $600,000 last year. Key Figure: Cristiana Bársony-Arcidiacono (CEO and sole employee). Her background includes claimed work for European Commission and internship at IAEA Described as elusive by acquaintances. Company website taken offline after the incident.
Company: Norta Global Ltd. Role: Allegedly sold pagers to Hezbollah. Key Points: Registered in Sofia in April 2022 by a Norwegian citizen. Transferred €1.6 million to BAC Consulting. Listed activity: „Technological project management” Revenue of around $750,000 from consulting activities.
Company: NortaLink (connection to Norta Global unclear). Key Figure: Rinson JoseListed as head of Norta Global Self-described as „entrepreneur” at Oslo-based NortaLink.
End Point: Hezbollah. Outcome: Pagers exploded in Hezbollah-controlled areas.
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