Przynajmiej 215 mln dawek tzw. szczepionek, za 4 mld euro, zostało zutylizowane przez kraje UE w szczytowym okresie fałszywej pandemii

Tak wynika z analizy POLITICO. Niemiaszki wywaliły ich najwięcej.

At least 215 million dosesof COVID-19 vaccines purchased by EU countries at the height of the pandemichave since been thrown away at an estimated cost to the taxpayer of €4 billion, an analysis by POLITICO reveals. And that’s almost certainly an underestimate.

Since the first coronavirus vaccines were approved in late 2020, EU countries have collectivelytaken delivery of 1.5 billion doses (more than three for every person in Europe). Many of these now lie in landfills across the Continent.

Calculations based on available data show that EU countries have discarded an average of 0.7 jabs for every member of their population. Top of the scale is Estonia, which binned more than one dose per inhabitant, followed closely by Germany, which also threw away the largest raw volume of jabs.

Niemiaszki może i wywaliły do śmieci najwięcej tej broni biologicznej od Pfizera (i innych), ale na poszczepiennego turbo raka i tak umierają:

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