Płatne trolle z izraelskiego AIPACu

Wielu polityków, którzy tak entuzjastycznie oklaskiwali zbrodniarza wojennego Netanyahu podczas jego przemówienia w Kongresie USA, jest na liście płac która łączy się z AIPACem

Paid trolls of Israel’s AIPAC

Many U.S. politicians who enthusiastically applauded Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his speech to Congress have benefited from significant financial donations linked to AIPAC.

— Steny Hoyer (House Representative): $1,736,244
— Hakeem Jeffries (House Minority Leader): $1,367,047
— Raphael Warnock (Georgia Senator, Democrat): $929,776
— Cory Booker (New Jersey Senator, Democrat): $913,081
— Glenn Ivey (Maryland Representative): $807,215
— Ted Lieu (California Representative): $315,955
— John Fetterman (Pennsylvania Senator, Democrat): $245,550
— Mike Johnson (House Speaker): $364,363
— Ted Cruz (Texas Senator, Republican): $1,509,359
— Ron Johnson (Wisconsin Senator, Republican): $347,028
— Josh Hawley (Missouri Senator, Republican): $231,790
— Ben Cardin (Maryland Senator, Democrat): $913,285

Source: Anadolu Agency


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