kontynuując myśl z poprzedniego wpisu… dnia 11.09.2001 r. izraelscy studenci sztuki też byli… na misji w Nowym Jorku

Wg samego HAARETZ z roku 2002 deportowano 120 młodych izraelskich szpiegów udających studentów sztuki

According to reports of the scandal, around 120 young Israeli citizens, posing as art students and selling paintings door-to-door, have been arrested and deported from the United States. The door-to-door sale of art works, it is claimed, was a front for a sophisticated spy ring: the students would turn up at homes and offices – especially at buildings housing federal authorities and military bases, and even went to the homes of those employed in these offices. The students attempted to form friendships with federal employees, photograph their offices, tap their phone lines and infiltrate their databases.

źródło: https://www.haaretz.com/2002-05-13/ty-article/spies-or-students/0000017f-df0f-d3a5-af7f-ffafe38f0000

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