Żydobanderowski rząd UA zbanował zagranicznych dziennikarzy opisujących sytuację na linii frontu

Zrobił to, bo najprawdopodobniej boi się ujawnienia rzeczywistej liczby strat wśród personelu wojskowego i braku rezulatów kontrofensywy. Inna możliwość, żydobandeowcy przygotowują prowokację i nie chcą mieć świadków z zewnątrz

https://imi.org.ua/en/news/excessive-restrictions-on-the-work-of-journalists-in-ukraine-are-unacceptable-statement-i51569 – 20.03.2023, 21:22

Members of the Media Movement and other Ukrainian and foreign journalists call for no new excessive restrictions on the work of the media during martial law. “Zoning” as it has already been introduced by the Operational and Strategic Military Commands makes it practically impossible for journalists to work not only along the entire front line, but also in more peaceful areas.

We warn against excessive restrictions on the work of journalists and call for immediate resolution of the situation with access to coverage of the hostilities and their consequences, and for all those involved in covering the war to be made aware of the principles and mechanisms of “zoning” through established professional communication channels. 
The work of the media and journalists is especially important now that the world’s attention to Ukraine is gradually fading. Any reckless moves to introduce “zoning” or other restrictions and disregard the principles of democracy and freedom of speech will negatively affect the reputation and further support of Ukraine globally, as these changes will hit both Ukrainian and foreign journalists who risk their lives to tell Ukrainians and the world about Russian aggression and its terrible consequences.

Więcej w The Intercept:


“The Ukrainian government has made it virtually impossible for journalists to do real front line reportage.”

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