I jest to wiadome od początku tych działań wojennych

Iran sent a message to Israel on Saturday stressing that it does not want further escalation in the Hamas-Israel war, but that it will have to intervene if the Israeli operation in Gaza continues, two diplomatic sources with knowledge of the situation told Axios.
Why it matters: The fighting between Hamas and Israel will turn into a regional war if Iran gets involved either directly or indirectly, such as through a militant group in Syria or by backing any Hezbollah decision to fully join the fighting.
- Iran’s message, sent to Israel through the UN, comes as the Biden administration has been trying to deter Iran and Lebanon-backed Hezbollah, supported by Iran, from joining the war. This week, the U.S. sent an aircraft carrier group and fighter jets to the region.
Przez cieśninę Ormuz przepływa średnio 15 tankowców dziennie, przewożąc 16,5–17 milionów baryłek ropy, co stanowi 40% transportu drogą morską i 20% całego przewozu ropy na świecie[2]. Z tego względu cieśnina ma ogromne znaczenie strategiczne.
źródło: https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ormuz_(cie%C5%9Bnina)
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