i nikt nie morduje konwojów uciekających Palestyńczyków
When asked what her country thinks about the humanitarian crisis emerging in Gaza on Sky News, Israel’s ambassador to the U.K., Tzipi Hotovely, said: “There is no humanitarian crisis.”
“Israel is in charge of the safety of the Israelis. Hamas is in charge of the safety of the Palestinians,” she added. “This is the time Hamas need to pay the price for its abuse, [for] killing innocent Israelis, and now preventing its own people to evacuate.”
Hotovely said Israel is working with international organizations to make sure Palestinians will be safe by encouraging them to evacuate – an “opportunity” she said was not given to the people targeted in the Hamas massacre last Saturday.
She also said Tel Aviv was only aiming for military targets.
Wynika z tego że Izrael jest gołąbkiem pokoju, a Palestyńczycy mordują się sami od początku tej operacji wojskowej.