Nie 4 minuty, ale 20 minut zwlekali snajperzy z “ochrony” Trumpa przed podjęciem działań zmierzających do unieszkodliwienia zamachowca którego zlokalizowali na dachu

Co chyba niepodważalnie świadczy o tym, że dali mu czas na zamordowanie Trumpa i są zamieszani w nieudaną próbę pozbawienia go życia

Law enforcement officials investigating the assassination attempt on Donald Trump told lawmakers today in an unclassified briefing that 20 minutes passed between the time Secret Service snipers first spotted Crooks on the roof and the time shots were fired at the former president, according to several law enforcement officials and lawmakers briefed on the matter.

According to this source, briefers said the snipers spotted him on the roof at 5:52 p.m. ET. The shooting happened at 6:12 p.m., 20 minutes later.

The briefing was conducted by the FBI Director, his Deputy Director and the head of the USSS.

In addition, briefers told lawmakers Crooks was identified as a person of interest a full 62 minutes before the shooting took place.

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