Jeśli Trump zrealizuje swoje obietnice to mamy pokój na świecie

Pytanie brzmi czy psychopaci z kompleksu wojskowo-przemysłowego, dla których wojna jest bardzo dochodowym interesem, mu na to pozwolą i go wcześniej nie uśmiercą?

Hungary’s Orban:

The U.S. will withdraw from the conflict in Ukraine after Donald Trump takes office as President.

War is an acute problem, [Ukraine is suffering] a military defeat on the front, the Americans are going to withdraw from this war.

They say a lot about Trump, but there is one thing that no one doubts: he hates war.

Turkish President Erdogan:

Trump has promised to put an end to these conflicts initiated by Israel.

We want that promise to be fulfilled and for clear steps to be taken to urge Israel to stop.

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