Lider Laburzystów zapytany o to ilu Palestyńczyków w Gazie ma zginąć zanim Laburzyści będą wnioskować o zawieszenie ognia: tylu ilu potrzeba.

Laburzyści z UK myślą podobnie do psychopatów z Izraela

In its latest attempt to force one million people to leave the northern half of Gaza, the military dropped leaflets informing citizens that they would be “identified as a partner in a terrorist organisation” if they did not adhere to Israel’s orders to move south. Such a designation has no basis in international law.

A senior adviser to Starmer was asked how many Gazans have to die before Labour will call for a ceasefire. The reply came: “As many as it takes…”

Zdjęcie osobnika popierającego ludobójstwo w Gazie:

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