Kongres USA grozi Międzynarodowemu Trybunałowi Karnemu w sprawie Izraela

Na początku maja ICC (International Criminal Court) ma wydać nakazy aresztowań dla Netanyahu, ministra obrony Izraela Yoav Gallant oraz szefa sztabu Sił Obronnych Izraela Herzi Halevi, za popełnione zbrodnie wojenne. Tymczasem członkowie Kongresu z obu partii grożą ICC odwetem ze strony USA.

The International Criminal Court is being warned by members of Congress in both parties that arrest warrants for senior Israeli officials will be met with U.S. retaliation — and legislation to that effect is already in the works, Axios has learned.

Why it matters: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has gone so far as to urge President Biden to intervene to help prevent the warrants, Axios’ Barak Ravid reported.

  • The ICC has been investigating allegations of war crimes against both the Israeli military and Palestinian militia groups dating back to 2014.
  • The White House declined to comment on Netanyahu’s call with Biden but said “the ICC has no jurisdiction in this situation and we do not support its investigation.”

Zgodnie z przewidywaniami Hitler z Izraela nie może trafić do aresztu:

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