Autorem antysemitycznych graffiti na fasadze koszernej restauracji na przedmieściach Paryża okazuje się być… francuski dziadzio Mosze

A 74-year-old Jewish man has admitted to being behind antisemitic messages graffitied on a kosher restaurant in a suburb of Paris. 

The shopfront in Levallois-Perret, an upscale area outside Paris was covered in vandalism that read “Jew” and “Jewish thief” earlier this week.

On July 19, after police arrested the first suspect spotted on security cameras, Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin wrote on Twitter that he was shocked by the “unbearable” anti-Semitic inscriptions and he congratulated police for “already detaining the alleged perpetrator.”

The first person arrested was later released due to a lack of evidence and police then arrested the 74-year-old Jewish man.

Bycie żydem zwykło utożsamiać się z semitycznością, co jest błędnym wyobrażeniem na temat członków tej grupy wyznaniowej:

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