Co się musi stać żeby ludzie zaakceptowali kontrolę zdjęć i filmów w swoich smartfonach?

Jeśli użytkownicy nie wyrażą zgody na skanowanie zdjęć i filmów na ich urządzeniach, pozostanie im jedynie możliwość wysyłania wiadomości tekstowych.

Based on a new proposal by the Belgian Minister of the Interior, EU governments could endorse the much-criticised child sexual abuse regulation (CSAR or chat control) as early as June after all. This is what internal information leaked to Pirate Party MEP and shadow rapporteur Patrick Breyer reveals.

Specifically, according to the proposal, users of apps with a communication function would have to agree via terms and conditions or pop-up messages that all images and videos sent to others will be scanned automatically and possibly reported to the EU and the police. To this end, monitoring backdoors would need to be integrated into previously securely end-to-end encrypted messenger services, even though the Belgians claim that their proposed ‘upload moderation’ scheme differs from the much criticised ‘client-side scanning’. If a user does not agree to the scanning of their private photos and videos, they would still be able to use the service for sending text messages, but would no longer be able to share images and videos. The scanner algorithms are supposed to report known CSAM as well as unknown images and videos that are deemed potentially suspicious by ‘artificial intelligence’ technology. The scanning of text messages for indications of grooming, which has hardly been used to date, would be removed from the draft legislation, as would the scanning of audio communication, which is not in use at all.

Czyżby ponure wizje Jackowskiego znowu miały się sprawdzić i na terenie UE, w tym w Polsce, rządzący odpalą islamskich terrorystów wyszkolonych przez Izrael i USA, których powpuszczali do Polski i UE, w ramach afery wizowej oraz paktu relokacyjnego?

Wszystko wskazuje na to, że coś się będzie działo po wyborach 9 czerwca:

Based on a new proposal by the Belgian Minister of the Interior, EU governments could endorse the much-criticised child sexual abuse regulation (CSAR or chat control) as early as June after all

Jest wielce prawdopodobne, że prócz kontroli czatu, rządząca mafia wykorzysta zamachy, by ograniczyć możliwość udziału w protestach antywojennych, zgromadzeniach.

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